Play Squash

How Scores in Squash are Calculated? Squash Scoring Guide

Squash sport is played in an indoor court, the purpose of squash is to make a small rubber ball bounce two times on the floor before the challenger can hit it back. So, yes squash is played by multi-players. Even Though you can play doubles, as a three, or even with dozens of people on the court at the same time in three-quarter games.

In this particular game, you have to be exceptionally quick to get to the rubber ball but you also have to be extremely patient to keep getting that ball back again and again, especially when it can travel as fast as 270kmh.

Apart from being physically fit, you also must be as smart as a chess player, evaluating up your shot options, the positioning of your challenger, and much more, and that all in a second.

There are some basic rules for bouncing the ball, like the ball can hit the front wall immediately or it can hit the sidewall or the back wall prior to hitting the front wall, but it always has to hit the front wall before the floor. In that way, you can hit the ball across the walls in all kinds of patterns to trick your foe.


In this article, we will see a brief outline of squash rules & scoring, all the essential details about scoring you need to know before getting started with this game.

Some general squash Rules.

  • You can only hit the ball once before your opponent hits it. The contact must also be singular you cannot ‘hold’ the ball.
  • The ball can only jump once on the floor.
  • You must make every effort to clear your shot and make sure your opponent has space to hit their shot.


Usually, the matches are the best of 3 or 5 games, at the option of the competition organizer. Each game is pointing a rally scoring to 11 which is PAR 11. If the score in a game is tied at 10-10, a player must win by 2 clear points.

Points can be scored by either player. When a player fails to serve or to return the ball, in harmony with the rules, the challenger wins the point. When the Receiver wins a point, they become the Server and add one to their score.


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Scoring points

Any player can score a point in a rally regardless of whether they serve or not. A player will win the point if:

  • The challenger does not make a good serve. For instance, the ball hits the outline or the service line on the front wall, the ball strikes anywhere above the outline, or after hitting the front wall the ball has its first bounce on the floor before the back quarter.
  • Their challenger strikes the ball, and it hits the outline.
  • The foe strikes the ball, and it hits the tin that is marked by the lowest line on the front wall, which is around knee height.
  • The challenger does not operate to hit the ball before it is the second leap.
  • They strike a ball, and it touches their opponent on its way to the front wall. This applies only if it is clear that the ball would have hit the front wall if it had not been blocked. If the ball was on its way to the sidewall, then this is considered a “let”.

How does the scoring work in squash?

The main focus of this game is to hit the ball off the back wall until you manage to make your opponent fail in returning the ball. Every time you do that you will receive a point on the scoreboard. Points make upsets, which in turn conclude the winner of the match.

Now the main question and the reason for this article is for you to understand that how does the scoring works in squash? Scoring a point can come one of 4 ways, the ball bounces two times before your opponent hits the ball, the ball hits the backboard or the net, the ball goes outside the outline of a player causes interference intentionally to block their opponents from getting the ball.

There are two methods of scoring in Squash

–              ‘PAR’ – where you play first to 11 points and you can score a point from either yours or your opponent’s serve.

–              The second is a more traditional style where you play first to 9 points but can only score a point off your serve.

The 11-point PAR scoring system is now the official scoring system in professional ranks and most nonprofessional games.

There are only some ways for the scores in a game of squash to be presented, differing based on the decision of the organizing body. Here are the two most common scoring systems in the sport described in detail that you need to understand.

Point-a-Rally System (PAR)

This is also known as PARS as described earlier, the American Scoring System is the worldwide standard when it comes to contests and sporting events. Under PARS, the player who wins the rally will certainly receive a point on the scoreboard, irrespective of whether the player is a server or receiver.

Additionally, the game closes when a player reaches a total of 11 points, but the winner has to have at least a two-point lead over his challenger. For example, if the game is drawn at 10-10, the game will have to continue until one player has two points lead over the other player. Though, some games can be played for long up to 15 points, depending on the coordinators of the game.

In case the server wins the rally and gets the point, this player will continue serving for the next round. Though, if the receiver gets the point in that round, he wins the round and will be the server for the next round.

Most of the games under the PARS system are played until a winner is decided from the rounds played. There is no fixed number of rounds, but most games are commonly played until the winner is decided from the best of three or five rounds.


English Scoring

Another form of scoring that is also known as the handout scoring system and is used to be the most common scoring system before the World Squash Federation changed the official system to PARS in 2008.

Under this English scoring system, only the server will receive a point. This means that if the receiving player wins a rally, he does not get any point and the scoreboard does not change for him. Though, this player will become the server in the next round.

The English scoring system is usually played up to nine points and not up to 11 points that are there in the PARS. However, nothing like PARS, when the game score is at 8-8 points, the first player that reaches eight points gets to decide how many points the round should be played too. For example, if the player wants the winning score to be nine, this will be considered as a Set One. If the player decides that the winning score should be 10, it is known as a Set Two.


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